First Document Analysis Paper (due Friday, 9/12):
Read Benjamin Franklin's 1751 essay, "
Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind," and write a three-page (approximately 1,000 word) reaction paper, being careful to cite supporting evidence from the essay and your readings. You will probably find the writing and critical thinking rubrics that are posted on the campus portal for this class helpful.
Your document analysis and research papers must be submitted via If you have not used TurnItIn before, you will need to create an account before you can enroll in our class site.
Class ID #: 8436615
Class Enrollment Password: AEHF14
For Monday, please read chapter 4, and be prepared to answer the following questions:
- What are some of the distinct settlement patterns of different ethnic groups in colonial America?
- Why did Germans leave Germany from the late 1600s to the late 1700s?
- Define "redemptioner," and describe the system and what brought it to an end.
- Why were German immigrants more successful farmers than the Scotch Irish and others?
- Who were the Scotch Irish and why and from where did they emigrate?
- What are myths of the Scotch Irish? (Can you give examples from popular culture?)
- What is notable about the Dutch and their North American colony?
- Who were the Acadians and the Huguenots, and how do their polar experiences illustrate acculturation and assimilation?
- Compare the histories of Spanish Mexicans in Texas, California, and New Mexico.
- Where did the first Jews in North America come from?