Chapter 13
- How did the Cold War effect immigration and immigration policy?
- What was surprising about who was admitted under the Displaced Persons Act of 1948?
- What did President Truman say was the greatest vice of the quota system and what was he specifically referring to?
- While immigration policy was still focused on Europe, who was really immigrating to the U.S. in larger numbers and why?
- What was revolutionary about the Immigration Act of 1965 and how did it fit with the national mood?
- What were the unanticipated results of the 1965 law?
- What is parole authority and how does it relate to the Refugee Act of 1980.
- How does a refugee differ from an asylee?
- How did American attitudes toward refugees change between WWII and 1980?
- What was the Mariel Crisis and how did it compare with Haiti's boat people?
- What's so interesting about the numbers of legal immigrants and the quota limits?

Chapter 14
- What three things does Daniels say brought about a change in attitude towards Asian immigrants?
- What characteristics have led to Asian Americans being called the model minority?
- What are ABCs and FOBs and who are the "silent" Chinese of San Francisco?
- What are the three distinct increments of Filipino immigration?
- What profession niche do recent Filipino immigrants dominate and why?
- Who were the Koreans who came before the 1965 immigration act?
- What do Indian and Korean immigrants have in common?
- How and why do Vietnamese immigrants differ from other recent Asian immigrants?
- What was the total number of Vietnamese War refugees and their children, and what nationalities are included?
- Compare the population growth of Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans since 1965. What accounts for the differences?
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